Bad breakups make you do stupid things, and in former University of South Florida coach Jim Leavitt's case, that stupid thing is continuing to pine for a job that clearly doesn't belong to him anymore.
Leavitt hired a team of attorneys called Florin/Roebig and vowed to fight his firing, which Roebig believes is unwarranted because, according to the St. Petersburg Times, "The evidence is not as portrayed". In other words, he thinks USF is full of crap.
Meanwhile, USF stands by the review that resulted in Leavitt's destitution.
Leavitt should not do this, because no good can come out of it. Even if he wins, which is doubtful, the process he would have to go through would harm his reputation.
In my humble opinion, he needs to cool off and move on, because he still is a hot commodity and I have no doubt that other schools would hire him on the spot.
As far as the search for the new head coach goes, USF hasn't made any official announcements yet, but we know Tommy Tubberville is no longer an option since he was hired by Texas Tech.
While athletic director Doug Woolard and talent scout Chuck Neinas continue their search, I think USF needs a big-name coach, but my gut tells me that that won't be the case and that whoever fills Leavitt's spot will be an up-and-coming assistant like Dan McCarney.
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