Portland Trail Blazers center Greg Oden apologized to "Portland, the fans, and the organization" for nude pictures of him that recently surfaced over the Internet. 18 months ago, Oden apparently got kinky and sent nude photos of himself to his former girlfriend via his cell phone.
The thing is, I don't think he has anything to apologize for, and if he does feel like apologizing, he doesn't exactly owe that apology to us.
The guy has shattered his knee, twice, in barely three years n the NBA. As a result, he missed the entirety of his rookie year and will miss the rest of this season as well. Oden's knees are as fragile as glass, and his once promising career is at risk of being over before it ever really got started.
That is why I think Oden has more important things to worry about than nude pictures of him, embarrasing as they may be.
He was 19 at the time, we all did stupid stuff when we were 19, especially if you are a guy and you are trying to impress a girl. It doesn't matter that he was the number one draft pick in the 2007 NBA Draft or that he looked 19 going on 45. He was still a kid and just has the bad luck of being a very famous one, so everything he does is magnified.
In my opinion, people should think about their own shortcomings before judging Oden for his one mistake. Oden is a good guy at heart that has the potential to be a great role model for kids and a 20 points, 10 rebounds per game player if his knees allow him to. So just let him be.
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