The Miami Dolphins made a fan-pleasing trade on Wednesday morning, acquiring Denver Broncos wide receiver Brandon Marshall for second-round draft picks this year and in 2011. Marshall bitches too much and is the typical "diva receiva"...however, he is exactly what Miami needs right now after their main rival, the New York Jets, are loading up on talent, questionable as that talent may be. That brings us to the five reasons the Dolphins need Marshall to contend next season.
1) The fans are tired of every 3rd-and-7 pass attempt becoming a six yard completion to Davone Bess to set up a 4th-and-1.
2) They are also fed up with mediocrity. The Dolphins have an overall 48-68 record since 2003, making the playoffs only once and including such stinkers as 4-12 in 2004 and 1-15 in 2007.
3) Marshall will prevent opposing defenses from stacking the line of scrimmage against Ronnie Brown and/or Ricky Williams.
4) The Wildcat will run more effectively.
5) Marshall will also be consistently double-teamed and create opportunities for the rest of the receiving corps (I'm talking to you, Ted Ginn Jr.)
So there are no more excuses for Tony Sparano and his team. They either step up and win the AFC East this year, or shut up and be in a financial hole that will compromise them for years to come.
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